COVID-19 & Stress

7 Things To Help You Cope Up With COVID-19 Stress

We are navigating through exceptional times. I worried about such times but frankly speaking never thought we would actually have to face it.

I love fiddling with social networking theories and implementing those in product management & marketing strategies. On one side, we have seen how social mobs behave, and at the same time, we have seen the rise of social good practices.

These are a few links, they help me find hope these days. Hope you find them useful too.

1) Understand the pressure

Pressure on your kids, your partner, your grocery delivery person to frontline workers like Doctors & Nurses.

Understand the pressure on you. Don’t release on others – find new things to lighten the weight on your shoulders.

2) It starts with social-distancing

What is social distancing?

Social distancing, also called “physical distancing,” means keeping a safe space between yourself and other people who are not from your household.

To practice social or physical distancing, stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms’ length) from other people who are not from your household in both indoor and outdoor spaces.

Things we haven’t done before are not easy to do. Accept the reality of the times. Social distance is not a social disconnection. Treat it positively, it benefits you and others too.

3) Learn how to be at home

Being home is the most enjoyable thing to do but it loses its magic when you’re being told to do so regardless of your wish. Well, make the most of it for now. Find comfort with pets, objects, food, whatever you like, and try to bring that joy of staying at home back. If you think it’s nice, it will be nice.

4) Also, learn how to be alone

Before this pandemic we all felt that we needed some ‘me time’ and now we have a lot of it. Let’s use it to learn a new hobby or maybe pick up the ones we might have left on the way. There’s simply so much you can do, the possibilities are endless!

5) We can’t stop our lives but we can adapt to new guidelines.

Believe it and it’s not too difficult!
Personal and Social Activities

6) Follow Workplace guidelines

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Health and safety in the workplace

When we’re at work we’re all a team like one big family and we’re constantly helping each other out. We do every single task as a team and defeating this virus is our No.1 task right now so, let’s fight this as a team too! After all, we are all in this together, apart but still together!

7) Take a break from all the stress – “Make Good Art”

You’re not alone fighting the stress, you have your inner artist too. Make good art and eliminate all those negative emotions. Write a small poem for yourself or your loved ones, make a sweet drawing, and gift it to yourself! Release all the amazing in you, stress can’t handle that!

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No professional recommendations, please consult a professional health practitioner for any help.

Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

Santosh Maharshi is head of marketing at Genie Bot, a modern appointment booking chatbot